Saturday, March 06, 2010

Two Things: Story review and Origami.

I got down to writing the story I mentioned earlier. My classmates thought it was not that bad. Their comments made me think I had gone in the right direction. Their suggestions for fixing were little, but good. Mostly they let me know of the cliche's the found, and cut down the extra words. I walked out of class thinking it was good for my first attempt at Sci-fi. 

My teacher thought otherwise. I had gone to her for a midterm grade. She was not going to give one because she thought that grades really did not matter, as long as we wrote every day and improved our work. Now, the grade she gave me was good. The comments on my story was not. 
"Aw, how cute. They liked the food so much they want to go back" I explained my full idea and my teacher jumped on it. It was creative and good. But my piece as it stood, did not reflect that scariness. All she saw was two happy people eating well. There were not enough hints of danger along the way.  She suggested to hype of the danger, or to start the story at their third visit. I have yet to work out how to mend this.

And in effort not to think about it, I made what you see above. The letter H done in origami blocks. Neat  huh?

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